Application documents are key elements in executing an effective opportunity search. Whether you are looking for a part-time job, internship, volunteer experience, graduate school acceptance, or full-time work, you will most likely need to create and maintain strong professional documents in order to apply. The Career Center has both online tools and in-person assistance that can help you to develop your professional documents.
Resumes and CVs are professional documents that introduce an employer to your skills, experiences, and professional/academic history.
Cover letters, on the other hand, are professional letters that provide an introduction to employers regarding your interest in a position (or in being considered for potential positions) and your perceived fit with a job and organization.
Application statements demonstrate your unique qualifications and illustrates your writing ability, creativity, and career goals. Admissions and Hiring committee members look for interesting, insightful, and specifically individualized statements that provide concrete evidence of your competence and motivation.
You can have any career-related materials (resume, application statements, cover letter, letter of interest) reviewed virtually or in-person by Career Center advisors and Liaisons who will provide you with feedback.