Introduction to animal tissue culture science

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Cell culture technology is a potential technology that involves diverse disciplines. Culture media, animal tissue culture facilities and several cell characterization tools have emerged in modern biotechnology, particularly in the area of human health. In this chapter basics of animal tissue culture are discussed with a brief glimpse of the historical background, types of cultures, their maintenance and characterization tools involved in this process. It also includes animal tissue cultures facilities and biosafety guidelines while working on mammalian cells under in vitro conditions. One of the most challenging tasks in animal tissue culture laboratory is to prevent contamination; thus this chapter also involves steps that must be considered to prevent contamination.

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Saurabh Bhatia, Tanveer Naved and Satish Sardana have asserted his right to be identified as the authors of this work in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Animal tissue culture technology is now becoming a significant model for many scientists in various fields of biology and medicine. Despite the various developments in animal cell and tissue culture since the late 1800s, until the early 1950s progress in animal tissue culture was stalled due to the non-availability of a suitable cell line. In the early 1950s, for the first time, successful growth of cells derived from the cervical cancer of Mrs Henrietta Lacks was demonstrated. This breakthrough using Mrs Henrietta Lacks's cells in culture successfully transformed medical and biological research, allowing numerous cellular, molecular and therapeutic discoveries, including the breakthrough of the first effective polio vaccine [1, 2]. This culture is now called HeLa, on which there were more than 60 000 publications by 2017, and which has been involved in numerous Nobel prize-winning innovations [2–4].

Animal cell culture is a significant tool for biological research. The importance of cell culture technology in biological science was realized a long time ago. Earlier dedifferentiation based experiments of cells due to selective overgrowth of fibroblasts resulted in the enhancement of culture techniques. Animal cell culture involves isolation of cells from a tissue before establishing a culture in a suitable artificial environment. Initial isolation of the cells from the tissues can be achieved by disaggregation using enzymatic or mechanical methods. The source of the isolated cells is usually an in vivo environment, but sometimes cells are also derived from an existing cell line or cell strain. Animal cell culture offers suitable model systems for investigating the following factors:

In addition, it also permits reliable and reproducible results, and is thus considered as a significant model system in cellular and molecular biology. Mammalian cell culture requires an optimal environment for growth. Environmental conditions are divided into nutritional requirements and physicochemical requirements. Nutritional requirements include a substrate or medium that provides support and essential nutrients such as amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, growth factors, hormones and gases (O2, CO2). All these factors control physical and chemical factors such as pH, osmotic pressure and temperature. In animal tissue culture the majority of cells are anchorage-dependent and therefore require a solid or semi-solid support in the form of a substrate (adherent or monolayer culture), whereas others can be cultured in the culture medium, called a suspension culture. Cell culture technologies have emerged as a tool to assess the efficacy and toxicity of new drugs, vaccines and biopharmaceuticals, and also play a major role in assisted reproductive technology. Animal cell culture is one of the more important and diverse techniques in current research streams. Animal, plant and microbial cells are always cultured in predetermined culture medium under controlled laboratory conditions. Animal cells are more complex than micro-organisms. Due to their genetic complexity it is difficult to determine the optimum nutrient requirements of animal cells cultured under in vitro conditions. Animal cells require additional nutrients compared to micro-organisms, and they usually grow only when attached to specially coated surfaces. Despite these challenges, different types of animal cells, including both undifferentiated and differentiated ones, can be cultured successfully.

1.2. Historical background

Tissue culture involves the in vitro maintenance and propagation of cells in optimal conditions. Culturing animal cells, tissue or organs in a controlled artificial environment is called animal tissue culture. The importance of animal tissue culture was initially realized during the development of the polio vaccine using primary monkey kidney cells (the polio vaccine was the first commercial product generated using mammalian cell cultures). These primary monkey kidney cells were associated with many disadvantages [5–8] such as:

The foundation of animal tissue culture can be considered to have occurred in 1880, when Arnold showed that leukocytes can divide outside the body [9]. Then, in the beginning of the 19th century, Jolly investigated the behavior of animal cells in serum lymph [9]. The development of animal tissue culture commenced after the breakthrough frog tissue culture technique, which was discovered by Harrison in 1907. Due to this effort Harrison is considered as the father of tissue culture. In his experiment he introduced tissue from frog embryos into frog lymph clots and showed that not only did the tissue survive, but nerve fibers grew out from the cells. During the mid-20th century, human diploid fibroblast cells were established by Hayflick and Moorhead [10]. They named this cell line MRC-5 (a cell line of fibroblasts derived from lung tissue). Later, Wiktor et al (1964) explored the utilization of this cell line in the production of rabies virus for vaccine production [11]. After a couple of years they suggested a large-scale production protocol along with a method for the assessment of purified rabies vaccine immunogenicity. During the same time, BHK-21 (C13) cells (baby hamster kidney cells) were established. These cells are susceptible to human adenovirus D, reovirus 3 and vesicular stomatitis virus. The commercial production of inactivated foot and mouth disease (a viral disease that causes sores in the mouth and a rash on the hands and feet of children) vaccine began using a suspension process [12]. Back in 1914, Losee and Ebeling [13] cultured the first cancer cells and after a few decades the first continuous rodent cell line was established by Earle (1943) [14]. In 1951, Gay established that human tumor cells can give rise to continuous cell lines. The cell line considered as the first human continuous cell line was derived from a cancer patient, Henrietta Lacks, as mentioned above, and HeLa cells are still used very widely. Continuous cell lines derived from human cancers are the most extensively used resource in the modern laboratory. The HeLa discovery was followed by FDA approval for the production of interferon from HeLa cell lines [15]. In addition to the progress in the field of cell culture, different media have been explored, which are typically based on specific cell nutritional requirements, such as serum-free media, starting with Ham's fully defined medium in 1965. In the 1970s, serum-free media were optimized by the addition of hormones and growth factors. Currently, thousands of cell lines are available and for the establishment and maintenance of these cell lines many media are available.

1.3. Types of cell cultures

Broadly, animal tissue culture can be divided into two categories:

The first category includes three different types of culture systems: organ cultures, histotypic cultures and organotypic cultures. The second category includes cultures in monolayers or as suspensions. Organ culture is a culture of native tissue that retains most of the in vivo histological characteristics, whereas culturing cells for their re-aggregation to yield tissue-like structure is known as histotypic culture. In histotypic cultures, individual cell lineages are initially derived from an organ and then cultured separately to high density in a 3D matrix to study interactions and signaling between homologous cells. In organ cultures, whole embryonic organs or small tissue fragments are cultured in vitro in such a manner that they retain their tissue architecture, i.e. the characteristic distribution of various cell types in the given organ.

In an organotypic culture, cells from different origins are mixed together in specific proportions and spatial relationships so as to re-form a component of an organ, i.e. the recombination of different cell types to yield a more defined tissue or organ. Some terms frequently used in animal tissue culture are as follows.

Cell culture. Cell culture is the process of removing cells from an animal or plant and their subsequent growth in an artificially controlled environment.

Primary cell culture. This is the first culture (a freshly isolated cell culture) or a culture which is directly obtained from animal or human tissue by enzymatic or mechanical methods. These cells are typically slow growing, heterogeneous and carry all the features of the tissue of their origin. The primary objective of this culture is to maintain the growth of cells on an appropriate substrate, available in the form of glass or plastic containers, under controlled environmental conditions. Since they are directly obtained from original tissue they have the same karyotype (number and appearance of chromosomes in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell) as the original tissue. Once subcultured, primary cell cultures can gives rise to cell lines, which may either die after several subcultures (such cell lines are known as finite cell lines) or may continue to grow indefinitely (these are called continuous cell lines). Usually, normal tissues give rise to finite cell lines, whereas cancerous cells/tissue (typically aneuploid) give rise to continuous cell lines. Nevertheless, there are some exceptional examples of continuous cell lines which are derived from normal tissues and are themselves non-tumorigenic, e.g. MDCK dog kidney, fibroblast 3T3, etc. The evolution of continuous cell lines from primary cultures is assumed to involve mutation, which alters their properties compared to those of finite lines. Serial subculturing of cell lines over time can increase the chances of genotypic and phenotypic variation. Bioinformatic studies based on proteomic phenotypes discovered that the Hepa1–6 cell lines lacked mitochondria, reflecting a rearrangement of metabolic pathways in contrast to primary hepatocytes. With the emergence of newer technologies such as 3D culture, the use of primary cells is becoming increasingly prevalent and achieving improved results. Primary cells which are directly obtained from human or animal tissue using enzymatic or mechanical procedures can be classified into two types:

For several reasons cells obtained from primary cultures have a limited life span, i.e. the cells cannot be maintained indefinitely. An increase in cell numbers in a primary culture results in exhaustion of the substrate and nutrients, which can influence cellular activity and lead to the accumulation of high levels of toxic metabolites in the culture. This may ultimately result in the inhibition of cell growth. This stage is called the confluence stage (contact inhibition), when a secondary culture or a subculture needs to be established to ensure continuous cell growth.

Secondary cell culture. This simply refers to the first passaging of cells, a switch to a different kind of culture system, or the first culture obtained from a primary culture. This is usually carried out when cells in adherent cultures occupy all the available substrate or when cells in suspension cultures surpass the capacity of the medium to support further growth, and cell proliferation begins to decrease or ceases completely. So as to maintain optimal cell density for continued growth and to encourage further proliferation, the primary culture has to be subcultured. This process is known as secondary cell culture. Major differences between primary and secondary cell cultures are highlighted in table 1.1.

Table 1.1. Differences between primary and secondary cell cultures.

Primary cell culture Secondary cell culture
Directly obtained from animal or plant tissue. Originates from a primary cell culture.
Closely resembles the parental tissue. Does not closely resemble the parental tissue.
The biological response of the cell may be closer to that in an in vivo environment. The biological response of the cell differs from that an in vivo environment.
The first culture derived from original cells/tissue (from an in vivo environment). Derived from an existing culture.
Cannot be transformed. Can be transformed.
Less chance of mutation. Can increase the chance of mutation or genetic alteration of primary cells.
Acquired through steps of rinsing, dissection, and mechanical or enzymatic disaggregation. If the primary culture is an adherent culture, the first step is to detach cells from the attachment (the surface of the culture vessel) by mechanical or enzymatic means. Then, the cells have to be detached from each other to form a single-cell suspension.
Finite life span. Prolongs the life span of cells. Periodic subculturing may produce immortal cells through transformation or genetic alteration of primary cells.
The risk of contamination is high. More difficult to maintain. The risk of contamination is lower. Comparatively easy to maintain.

Cell line. Once a primary culture is subcultured or passaged it represents a cell line. A cell line that experiences indefinite growth of cells during subsequent subculturing is called a continuous cell line, whereas finite cell lines experience the death of cells after several subcultures.

Cell strain. A cell line is a permanently established cell culture which will proliferate forever if a suitable fresh medium is provided continuously, whereas cell strains have been adapted to culture but, unlike cell lines, have a finite division potential. A cell strain is obtained either from a primary culture or a cell line. This is done by selection or cloning of those particular cells having specific properties or characteristics (e.g. specific function or karyotype) which must be defined.

In summary, the first culture that is established from the in vivo environment is called the primary culture. This primary culture can be subcultured many times to develop cell lines. Cell lines are generally immortalized or transformed cells, i.e. cells that have lost control over division, because of mutations or genetic alterations, or because a primary cell was transfected with some genes that immortalized the cells. Most cell lines are tumorigenic as they originated from tumors. Cells derived from a primary cell line do not have this concern, however, it is challenging to maintain these cells. In usual practice, primary cell cultures require a nutrient medium containing a high amount of different amino acids, micronutrients and, occasionally, some types of hormones or growth factors. Primary cell cultures can be efficiently utilized up to a few passages, about two to four, afterwards their risk of contamination is higher than for cell lines. However, primary cell cultures have their own advantages. The biological response received from a primary culture will be closer to that in an in vivo environment than the response obtained from cell lines. From many years, several cell lines have been established and tested under different environmental conditions. This vast research has resulted in a good amount of data supporting the use of specific cell lines as models of primary cells. It has been suggested that cell lines that have been well tested under different conditions should be used instead of primary cultures, in the case that the latter are expensive.

1.4. Primary cell culture

As discussed above, the primary cell culture is the first culture of cells, tissues or organs derived directly from an organism; in other words it is the culture before the first subculture, whereas the cell line is for maintenance or propagation of a culture after subculture. There are certain techniques available for the development of primary cell cultures, such as:

1.4.1. Mechanical disaggregation

It is necessary to disaggregate soft tissues such as soft tumors. The mechanical approach involves slicing or harvesting tissue and subsequent harvesting of spill out cells. This can be achieved by sieving, syringing and pipetting. This procedure is inexpensive, rapid and simple, however, all these approaches involve the risk of cell damage, thus mechanical disaggregation is only used when the viability of the cells in the final yield is not very important.

1.4.2. Enzymatic disaggregation

This approach involves efficient disaggregation of cells with high yield by using enzymes such as trypsin, collagenase and others. Enzyme based disaggregation allows hydrolysis of fibrous connective tissue and the extracellular matrix. Currently, the enzymatic method is extensively used as it offers high recovery of cells without affecting the viability of cells. Trypsin based disaggregation or trypsinization

This allows disaggregation of tissue using trypsin, usually crude trypsin because this trypsin contains other proteases. In addition, cells can tolerate crude trypsin well and the ultimate effect of crude trypsin can easily be neutralized by serum or trypsin inhibitor (supplementation of trypsin inhibitor is required in the case of serum-free media). Pure trypsin can also be utilized for disaggregation of cells, provided that it is less toxic and very specific in its action. An overview of primary cell culture development is shown in figure 1.1. Two common approaches, namely warm and cold trypsinization, are described in the following.

Figure 1.1.

Warm trypsinization

This approach is extensively utilized for the disaggregation of cells. During the initial step, sliced tissue is washed with dissection basal salt solution and is subsequently transferred to a container of warm trypsin (37 °C). At regular intervals of 30 min the contents are stirred properly. Then, the supernatant having dissociated, the cells are separated to disperse in a suitable medium. Efficient dispersion of cells can be achieved by placing the container over ice.

Cold trypsinization

This method is also called trypsinization with cold pre-exposure. In this process the chance of cellular damage due to constant exposure to trypsin is reduced, which results in a high yield of viable cells with an improved survival rate for the cells (after 24 h of incubation). Since this method does not involve frequent stirring or centrifugation, it can be conveniently adopted in the research laboratory. During this process, after washing and chopping, tissue pieces are kept over ice in a vial and then subjected to treatment with cold trypsin for 6–24 h. Then, after the cold trypsin treatment the trypsin is removed and discarded. However, the tissue fragments still contain residual trypsin. These fragments are incubated at 37 °C (for 20–30 min) followed by repeated pipetting. This will encourage the dispersion of cells. The fully dispersed cells can be counted using a cell counter and properly diluted, and then further utilized.

Drawbacks of trypsin disaggregation

Trypsinization of cells can damage some cells, such as epithelial cells, and sometimes it is not effective for certain tissues, such as fibrous connective tissue, thus other enzymes are also recommended for dissociation of cells. Collagenase based disaggregation

Collagenase is an enzyme which is responsible for the cleavage of peptide bonds in collagen. Collagen is a structural protein which is abundantly found in higher animals, mainly in the extracellular matrix of connective tissue and muscle. Collagenase, mainly crude collagenase, can be successfully used for the disaggregation of several tissues that may or may not be sensitive to trypsin. Purified collagenase has also been experimented with, but has shown poor results in comparison to crude collagenase. So far collagenase disaggregation has be carried out on several human tumors, epithelial tissues, the brain, lungs and other mammalian tissue. The combination of collagenase with hyaluronidase offers better results in disaggregating rat or rabbit liver, which can be achieved by perfusing the whole organ in situ. Several researchers have also utilized trypsin and collagenase in combination to dissociate cells to develop chick serum.

This process involves an initial transfer of the desired tissue into a basal salt solution which contains antibiotics. This is followed by washing with settling and then transfer into a medium containing collagenase. The solution is incubated for 1–5 days, followed by repeated pipetting for uniform dispersal of cells. Separation of these dispersed cells is encouraged by keeping the solution in a stationary phase to further encourage the settling of cells, as shown in figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2. Other enzymes

In addition to the above mentioned enzymes, certain other enzymes such as bacterial proteases (e.g. dispase, pronase) have been tested, but unfortunately have not shown significant results. However, enzymes such as hyaluronidase and neuraminidase have received attention due to their significant results, and thus can potentially be utilized in conjugation with the enzymes discussed above.

1.4.3. Primary explant technique

In 1907 Harrison provided the first demonstration of the primary explant technique, which subsequently underwent many modifications. A simple protocol for the primary explant technique is represented in figure 1.1. As in the above procedures, in this process tissue is initially suspended in basal salt solution and then chopped properly and washed by settling. Tissue fragments are uniformly distributed over the growth surface. This is followed by the addition of a suitable medium and then incubation for 3–5 days. Old medium is replaced by fresh medium unless desired growth or considerable outgrowth of the cells is not achieved. Once optimum growth is achieved the explants are separated and transferred to new culture vessels which contain fresh medium.

This technique is mainly used for disaggregation of small quantities of tissue. Mechanical and enzymatic disaggregation are not suitable for small amounts of tissues, as there is a risk of cell damage which can ultimately affect cell viability. A major drawback of this technique is the poor adhesiveness of certain tissues on the growth surface (substrate material), which can create problems in the selection of cells for desirable outgrowth. However, this technique has been utilized frequently for culturing embryonic cells, in particular glial cells, fibroblasts, myoblasts and epithelial cells.

1.5. Segregation of non-viable cells from viable cells

After the development of a primary cell culture, it is essential to remove the non-viable cells from the disaggregated cells, which can be achieved by repeatedly changing the medium. Only a few will be left after dilution of the medium, and finally will gradually disappear when viable cells start proliferating. The alternative approach of centrifugation, mixing cells with ficoll and sodium metrizoate, can also be utilized to remove non-viable cells from the primary cell culture. Dead cells form a pellet at the bottom which can easily be removed from the solution.

1.6. Ethical issues in animal tissue culture

Animal tissue culture techniques involve the frequent utilization of animal or human tissues, which raises the need for safety and ethics guidelines for using animals in research, also known as medical ethics. Handling animals raises numerous issues that are typically not faced when using animal tissue. In addition to the consent of local ethical committees, the consent of the patient or his/her relatives is required to initiate research or to study a human sample in the form of fetal materials or biopsy samples. Samples collected from a human donor should be accompanied by a donor consent form in a prescribed format. When dealing with human tissue, the following issues should be considered [16]: