Employee Handbook

The employee handbook is a document outlining a company’s mission, policies, and expectations. It provides clarity on employee rights and responsibilities, ensuring a harmonious work environment. The handbook covers employment basics, workplace policies, code of conduct, compensation, benefits, working hours, and termination procedures.

From a code of conduct to benefits and perks to employment details, this employee handbook template has everything you need to start your own company policies.

employee handbook

What is an employee handbook?

An employee handbook is a document that communicates your company’s mission, policies and expectations. Employers give this to employees to clarify their rights and responsibilities while they’re employed with the company.

To help you build the best employee handbook, we crafted a template to give you a headstart in creating your own document. Download the full Employee Handbook template in .doc and pdf format by clicking on the links at the bottom of this page.

The employee handbook policy should include:

  1. Employment basics: Definitions of employment-related terms, rules regarding attendance, and an overview of the recruitment process
  2. Workplace policies: Descriptions of the workplace environment, including confidentiality, harassment prevention, and workplace safety
  3. Code of conduct: Guidelines on employee behavior, including dress code, cyber security, conflict of interest, and workplace relationships

Words in brackets are placeholders — substitute them with your company’s specific guidelines. Also, feel free to modify this template’s language to match your company’s culture.

Here’s what should be included in an employee handbook; our template covers every important policy of an employee manual:

If you need to work only on specific parts of your handbook, click on each of the following sections to download them separately.

By tying these sections together, you can build a complete company employee handbook. The full template includes these sections plus an introduction so you can welcome new employees to your company.

To support your efforts even further, here’s our guide on what each section entails and tips to flesh out your own employee manual matching your company’s requirements:

Keep in mind that our employee handbook examples and relevant advice are not legal documents and may not take into account all relevant local or national laws. Neither the author nor Workable will assume any legal liability that may arise from the use of these templates. Please ask your attorney to review your finalized policy documents or Handbook.

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Employment Basics

This section is mostly informative and helps you establish basic employment-related definitions. It’ll give your employees an idea of what the terms of their contract and job classification are. They can use this section as a resource to fall back on whenever they have basic questions.

Also, this is a good place to lay out rules regarding attendance. You could also explain your recruitment process to prepare future hiring managers in your company.

Here are the contents of our Employment Basics template:

Workplace Policies

This section describes what your workplace is and should be like. It’s about the conditions your employees work in. Include policies such as anti-harassment and health and safety in your employee handbook to build a lawful and pleasant workplace where your employees can thrive.

We crafted a template to help you build out your Workplace policies section. Here are the policies included with tips on how to customize them to your own workplace:

Code of Conduct

Your Code of Conduct provides a framework for employee behavior. You’ll outline how you expect employees to treat others, whether they’re colleagues, partners, customers or external stakeholders. It’s about ethics and trust – and building a safe and professional space for everyone.

To work on your own Code of Conduct, use our complete template which includes the following sections:

Compensation and development

This part explains how you pay and reward employees for their work and help them develop. Through these policies, you show you value employees and motivate them to keep working with you.

To work on this, see our compensation and development template, including these sections:

Benefits and Perks

Have you ever had an employee say something like: “Gee, I didn’t know we had a gym discount”? It’s likely: often, employees aren’t aware of the full extent of benefits and perks your company offers. This section helps you keep employees well-informed in this matter.

Our benefits and perks template includes the following sections (but do add your own unique benefits and perks):

Working Hours, PTO and Vacation

This is one of the sections employees will care about the most. When joining your company, they want to learn how they can divide their time between work and leisure or out-of-work responsibilities.

Draft your own relevant policies by using our easy-to-modify template containing these sections:

Employee Resignation and Termination

If something doesn’t work out, employees need to have an idea of how their employment relationship with your company will end. Especially if there’s a disciplinary process involved.

We created a “Leaving our company” template to address relevant issues. Here’s an outline of the contents:


You can use the conclusion to provide notice about future revisions and ask employees to acknowledge they read the handbook. Here’s our template to do that.

Close your employee handbook on a positive note though. Reiterate how happy you are that an employee is now working with you and welcome them on your team. Look at employee handbook examples for inspiration, but make sure you write in your own company’s tone and voice.